Monday, April 1, 2019

Look Don’t Leap Take II

When I started this blog years ago, I knew I wanted to write, but I didn’t have a clear purpose. I thought it would be a lifestyle blog where I could write about any of the things going on in my life. Take a look at my previous posts and you will see how random my thoughts were. 

Then life happened. When I last left this space, I was months away from getting married. Fast forward seven years and my husband and I now have two kids (exactly 18 months apart), each changed careers, started new businesses, moved cities and gained some exciting new titles- I can’t wait to fill in all the blanks of all of that!

Having kids now has me thinking more and more their future and how I want to have an active role shaping what that looks like on a larger scale. With that in mind in the last year I have been increasingly more involved in my community and getting more into politics.

I have learned so much and I have people coming to me for advice on how to proceed in different areas and what they can do to be more active themselves. So, I started this blog up again in spirit of helping and educating others navigate the political world. Don’t get me wrong, I am certainly a novice, I don’t know everything and frankly I am quite new, but I am learning more and more every day and I can’t wait to use that to empower others-like YOU!  

Yes, I know politics can be daunting and your voice in significant, but that is far from the truth.

Have you seen the video with the dominoes where the tiniest domino starts a chain reaction that knocks over the GIANT one?

You matter. 

We often think of ourselves as “just one person” and underestimate the power we have to make a difference or impact in a big meaningful way. I am here to tell you that you can!

Have you given any thought to getting involved to make a difference in your community? I get it. Work, kids, sports, dinner, homework, vacations, trying to have a social life- we are all so busy! The problem is that while we are busy living in our own little lives, there are people out there that are doing all the decision making for you. I decided to make the leap and be more active in my community because I wanted to be someone who was engaging and playing an active role.

How can you make a difference? Figure out your strengths and interests and start there.
Cities rely on volunteers on boards and commissions to help make recommendations to city staff and the city council. Look into what advisory committees your city has and see if there are any open positions. Those boards might include-budget committee, Housing and Neighborhood Vitality Advisory Commission, public safety commission, planning commission, library board, and parks and recreation board.

Passionate about education? Join the PTA or run for the school board.

Feeling ambitious? Check out your City Council and see if that is a place where you feel you can help make impact on the community and go for it- I did!!! (teaser for ya, more on that later!)

The time has come! It is so easy to sit on social media and be mad about what is happening in the world around us or spend hours fighting with strangers online only to get nowhere. My challenge for you is to get out there, find something that you are passionate about and be a source of positive energy in the community! I won’t say it’s going to be easy, but I think the adventure will be well worth it!

Looking for ways to get involved and need a little help? Comment below and let’s talk! Already involved in your community? Great, tell me in the comments what you are up to, I can’t wait to hear all about it!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Just the Two of "US"

That title makes me think of Will Smith and his son singing that cute, I might have to listen to it.  I digress though, that's not what I wanted to talk about.  What I'm referring to is Matt and me.  As we rang in the New Year at Chinookwinds Casino with a group of our friends, I told Matt,

 "This is OUR year!"  

Of course I am referring to our wedding, but it is more than that.  It is so easy to get wrapped up in the minutia of the wedding that we forget what it is really about.  Kinda, like Christmas.  What it is really about is two people who love each other planning to spend the rest of their lives together, not just a really awesome party, (which it definitely will be!).  It is such a scary, but totally awesome thought to think that he will be my partner in crime from here on out.  We're gonna have a great time, I just know it.

Although I know we'll have fun, I also know it is hard work.  Anything that worth it is right?  Well, when you have two stubborn people coming together, "When two become one"  (I just couldn't help myself), there are bound to be hiccups.  Like the stock market, you have to be willing to ride the waves, even through the hard times knowing that in the long run things will be okay.  So this year I want to focus on "Us."  When I read this post from Becca at Blue Cricket Design it was like she was saying EXACTLY what I was thinking!  I could not have said it better.  So here's to "Us" in 2012!!!!!  

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Wedding Fever

Yep.  I've got it.  I've been pinning like crazy for inspiration!  My amazing friend Nicole and her man are coming next weekend to hang out and take some engagement photos!  It will be great time reminiscing and getting some awesome shots for the save-the-dates.  I also just went to the The Portland Bridal Show this weekend and got some more great ideas for decorations.  So far we have the following checked off our list:

1. Venue
2. Jordan's attendants
3. Dress
4. Our website (a work in progress)
5. Colors: Orange, Kelly Green, Lime Green
6. Honeymoon

Currently working on:
1. Engagement Photos
2. Finding shoes
3. Officiant (just need to confirm)
4. DJ/KJ
5. Catering
6. Ordering dance floor
7. Save the Date, Invites, etc.

It all seems to be falling into place!  I cannot believe there are only 188 days left!

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Surprise is on You: Part Three

I know, I know...I've been a very bad girl.  It's been months...I have no excuse really, I've just been REALLY lazy, but I know you are probably in suspense about the last day at Disneyland!

Last but not least: our final day!  I had to give our group a pep talk.  They could rest when they got home, we were at Disneyland people!  So we carried on:

It was a hard day, even in "paradise."  Some of us were thrown in jail

And others were broken out!

 Family photo opportunity!

We stood in line at Gadget's Roller Coaster Ride for almost an hour (the clock said time wait time was 20 min!) and the ride was seriously 30 seconds long!  We had fun in the line though!  

 This was my first time to Disneyland in Anaheim, but I've been to Tokyo Disneyland twice.  The Queen of Hearts there looked so much cooler.  I also once had a picture of me looking under her dress...I had to get a pic for old time sake.


Just about the cutest thing I've ever seen!  While we were waiting for part of our group to get off the Soarin' Over California Ride, Erin gave her Uncle Matt a head massage.  She was so serious and focused!  

Him on the other hand, not so much!

But, he loved it none the less!

  The best part of the night came after Matt and I ventured off from the group.  We hung out in Frontierland along the river and watched the tail end of the light show on the river which ended in fireworks.  When everyone sitting around us got up and moved on, Matt and I stayed reminiscing about the past couple days and how crazy it was, but how it turned out to be so much fun in the end.  And then he got up like he was going somewhere and then...GOT DOWN ON ONE KNEE!  I was the cutest, sweetest, sappiest, gag me with a spoon moment EVER!  and I cried.  Of course I cried.  Then I jumped up and said, "We need a picture to preserve this moment!"  So to the castle we flew!  We had about 15 minutes left and we were on a mission:  a picture of our newly engaged selves in front of the princess castle and a hand-dipped corn dog (of course!)

We had a magical time, it was everything Disneyland was supposed to be...and more.


Monday, September 12, 2011

The Surprise is on You Part Two

Day two I started off with the biggest blister on my little toe.  If it weren't for the fact that we would be walking miles and miles I would have put on my flip flops.  But there is no crying in the most magical place on Earth, so buck up cause here we go for round two!

 We met up with old friends

 Made new ones

Disneyland Fire Station (this one's for you Mike!)

Stopped and had lunch while the princesses danced

I had to have Minnie Ears!

Hula hooped like champs

 Somehow he ended up with the stroller, but he doesn't seem to mind...
it's good practice for the future!

Made classic faces

Had a little meltdown
But then rallied on my favorite ride!  The Buzz Lightyear ride!  

Ended the night with the 3 F's: Friends, Family and Fireworks!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Surprise is on You Part One

I love surprises.  Sometimes, I think I like the suspense of a surprise more than the actual surprise.  That is why, when we decided to take a family trip to Disneyland and not tell my nieces, (they still thought they were coming up to Oregon), I was giddy with excitement!

Matt, my mom, younger brother and I set out on a Tuesday night at 10:30pm.  I took a five hour energy and drove the first three hours.  I could have driven more except that I didn't want to drive through the mountains.  After driving through the in the Shasta Mountains and lots of construction, a total of nine hours after we started our journey, we finally made it to Santa Nella, CA, home of Pea Soup Andersen's.

Where we met up to surprise my brother, sister-in-law, and nieces.  Matt sat on the bench with his hat over his face, filming the whole thing.  They were more confused than anything, but once the idea started to sink in they got excited!

 My mom, younger brother and I hung out with our heads behind this sign.  Sadly, no pic, but this is a pretty good one!  We ate breakfast with a side of pea soup, (seriously) and then headed down south another five hours.

Our first night we went swimming and then out to eat the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.  See that little "Run Forrest Run" sign?  You turn it to around to "Stop Forrest Stop" and anyone walking by stops and helps you...interesting.  One of the tv's was playing the movie and our waitress asked us trivia about the movie.  It was great.
The next three days and nights seemed to go by in a flash.  We spent one day in California Adventure and the last two days in Disneyland.  Here is the picture run down of the first day:

And we're off!  Laughter and smiles before we entered the park!

Ready to rock and roll!

  Met the Hostess with the Mostess

 And his smokin hot girl!

At the request of my SIL, our first ride!
Here's a tip for those who don't know:  See that coffee?  Go to the Market House on Main Street and get one.  After 2pm you get free refills!  While Matt and I went and got fast passes, my BB was getting us hooked up.

About to ride the Tower of Terror.  My niece talked about this ride the ENTIRE trip.  She hated it and wanted to remind us the she had no intention of going back on it.

Hold not jump ship no matter how scared you are!

We saw Andy's toys in an impromptu performance while eating hand dipped corn dogs

Realized we all wore the same color...not on purpose.  You might think we are smiling because we are in the most magical place on Earth.  No.  It is because we just realized my bro and SIL's camera was missing and just found it in the lost and found!  Thank you honest Disneyland Patron!

 We got stuck in a toy box

Convinced my niece this WAS NOT a roller coaster, (even though I wasn't sure), and then laughed hysterically the whole time through the whips, flips, and jerks!  I am a bad auntie I know...but it will make for a good story when she's older!
At about 4pm we were all running out of steam.  One of the best decisions of the whole trip: we caught the Aladdin show.  Now, I love the movie, but the play was just as amazing!  Not only was it a great show, but we got to sit back, relax, and take a little snooze in the air conditioning!

Our first night ended at the Pier for the World of Color light show.  It was amazing.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Laundry Room: It'll All Come Out in the Wash

It has been a crazy summer.  The fact that the weather has not cooperated has not kept us from being super busy.  It feels good to get this updated like I keep thinking about doing!

On top of all the traveling and camping going on, last month an awful thing happened: our washer blew up, flooding the whole laundry room!  Matt had to pull out all the flooring and put fans in the room for about three days to dry up all the water.

It sucked.  But as luck would have it, our neighbors' dryer was dying at the same time.  They went out and bought a new set and we acquired their washer.  SCORE!  

We further turned this little frown upside down by taking this opportunity to do a little remodeling.  This house was purchased out of foreclosure, and was a complete mess when Matt bought it.  He has done amazing things so far, but the laundry room has been low on the list.

  Can you see my hands and forehead?  I'm trying not to get me in the mirrored (YES MIRRORS!!!!), cabinets.  I cannot believe someone thought those mirrors were a good idea.  They thought it was such a great idea they did it in the kitchen too!  I would not believe it myself either if I had not seen it.  

This picture has horrible lighting, but the door is a dingy dirty white and there were once these hideous egg yolk colored mini blinds covering the window.

So we painted the ceiling, the walls, took down the mirrors and painted the cabinets and put in clothes rod.  It is not finished yet and I hate to put up pictures with the room only 80% done, but I just cannot hold in the excitement of this accomplishment any longer.  Plus, I told my brother, (he just so happens to be my first follower!) that I was doing this and I want to show him the progress.

So, here is just a little sneak peak.  I am going on a big camping trip in a week and then to Disneyland (yipee!) with the my family so the reveal will have to wait until the end of next month.  Not to worry though, I'll have other things to talk about until then!